Museo Archeologico e Parco Archeologico
We’ve got some new guides and audio guides for the museum and the archaeological park.
The Archeological Museum and the Archaeological Park in Cecina have expanded their cultural offering.
You can now visit the two sites, which are very important for the artefacts they contain, with the help of text guides and audio guides that have been specially created for this purpose.
It’s been a long road to get to this point, where we’re offering free multimedia support in Italian and English.
The guides were put together with the help of the Coop. Macchine Celibi, represented by Riccardo Malevolti, UniTre Cecina A.P.S. and with the support of the agency DR1, represented by Lorenzo Di Maria. The voices are Luisella Ragoni and Sally Tunley.
You can also access the guides offline (i.e. not necessarily in person) via the following link: https://museoparcoarcheologicocecina.visitcecina.com/.
For more information, please check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MuseoeParcoArcheologicodiCecina.